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WireHose Developers Guide

WireHose layout concepts

All WireHose web components, pages and direct actions are defined in the WireHoseLayoutSupport framework, which also contains application and session-level logic. This framework is only required for WireHose web applications; you can build command-line tools which manipulate resources and tags using just the WireHoseBase framework.

All WireHose application-level logic is accessed via static methods on the WHApplicationHelper class, and all session-level logic is contained in instances of WHSessionHelper.

Note: WireHose is designed so that you can add its frameworks to an existing WebObjects project without having to subclass its application or session classes. WireHose-specific WOApplication and WOSession subclasses are provided, but their use is optional. See the reference documentation for information about adding WireHose support to existing WebObjects classes.

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