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WireHose Developers Guide

Customizing the search prompt

The default prompt for WHSearchBox isn't suitable for Hello World, so next you'll change it.

WireHose has extensive localization support which allows you to control at a very fine level how strings are localized for particular components, languages, pages and areas. You can also define non-localized strings in the layout dictionary, which is the approach we'll take here.

Note: See the WHSessionHelper reference documentation for details about WireHose localization support.

WHSearchBox defines three strings, called "search", "prompt" and "orClickToBrowse". You'll override just the prompt string.

  1. Find this entry in the layout dictionary:
    WHSearchBox = {
        showBrowsePrompt = YES;

    Change it so it reads:

    WHSearchBox = {
        showBrowsePrompt = YES;
        strings = {
            prompt = "Search feeds: ";
  2. Relaunch Hello World and reload the page in your browser. 

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