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WireHose Developers Guide

Creating RSSItem

Note: The new resource template creates a new EOModel for each resource entity. You can leave each entity in a separate model file, or merge them into a single model by copying and pasting the entities. For this tutorial we'll leave them in separate models.

  1. Select the Entities group in the Files pane in Project Builder.
  2. Choose New File... from the File menu. Scroll down to the WireHose Resource template and click Next.
  3. Name it RSSItem, add it to the Application Server target in the Hello World project, and click Finish.
  4. Open the RSSItem.eomodeld file in EOModeler.
  5. Choose Set Adaptor Info... from the Model menu.
  6. Set the URL and driver as entered in your adaptor dictionary:

    If you're using OpenBase:

    Set the URL to jdbc:openbase:// and the driver to com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver

    If you're using FrontBase:

    Set the URL to jdbc:FrontBase://localhost/HelloWorld/user=HelloWorld and the driver to jdbc.FrontBase.FBJDriver

  7. Click OK.
  8. Change the name of the MyResource entity to RSSItem, its table to RSSItem, and its class name to RSSItem.
  9. Change the name of the MyResourceKeyword entity to RSSFeedKeyword, and its table to RSSItemKw.
  10. Change the name of the MyResourceTag entity to RSSItemTag, and its table to RSSItemTag.

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